Home > Feedback > Absolute Encoder
Avago CUI Faulhaber
Heidenhain Hengstler Mitutoyo
Numerik Jena Renishaw RSF Elektronik
SICK SIKO Tamagawa
An Absolute Encoder is a device that provides a unique code for each increment of shaft rotation, meaning that an absolute encoder indicates both that the shaft position has changed, and the absolute position of the shaft.
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Avago (Basic Option): Ultra-Precision Absolute Encoder,17-Bit (AEAT-9000 Series) Avago (Full Option): Ultra-Precision Absolute Encoder,17-Bit (AEAT-9000 Series) Avago: High Temp Multi-turn Absolute Encoder Module,14-Bit (AEAT-84AD Series)
Avago: High Temp Multiturn Absolute Encoder Module,12-Bit (AEAT-84AD Series) Avago: Single-Turn Magnetic Absolute Housed Encoder (AEAT-60xx Series) Avago: Ultra-precision Gray Code Absolute Encoder Module, 13-Bit (AEAT-7000 Series)
Heidenhain: Absolute Length Gauges ACANTO 680985-02 (AT 3018) Heidenhain: Rotary Encoder with Integral Bearing EQN 1125 (ID: 803428-01) Heidenhain: Absolute Angle Encoder 1244623-01 (RCN 2381)
Heidenhain: Absolute Angle Encoder 1244629-01 (RCN 2391F) Heidenhain: Absolute Angle Encoder 1244738-01 (RCN 8381) Heidenhain: Absolute Angle Encoder 1244739-01 (RCN 8581)