
Founded in 1994, with rich experience in the motion control industry in distribution, solution design, system integration, custom design, and manufacturing, It focuses on motion control, CNC, and robotics application technology, serving the global high-end manufacturing industry and becoming a leader in industry application and engineering technology.

E-Motion History

Since 1994, we have been focusing on motion control technology to serve high-end manufacturing industries, have carried out distribution, system integration, design, and manufacturing for nearly 30 years, and have made remarkable achievements. To learn more about our history click here

In the future, we will also carry out the market promotion of new products and technologies, train motion control engineering technicians and operators for high-end manufacturing industries, and conduct global motion control industry technology exchange meetings, equipment manufacturing dynamics analysis and calculation and system solution optimization, collection, and optimization of application software in different industries, etc. make our greatest contribution in many aspects and build a long-term, sustainable and valuable community of motion control and high-end manufacturing practitioners. 


Provides brand-new products for OEM customers in the Categories and Brands areas. At the same time, it also opened a 3R Service Store area to provide the service of repair, replacement (trade in) and replacement solution(alternatives) to match the customers urgently needed in fixing, maintaining, and renovating old equipment. These spare parts Whether it is new or slightly used, we will conduct professional evaluation and testing to ensure that the goods you receive are in good working condition.

Support Design Supply provides expertise, engineering calculation methods, formulas, online calculation software, and downloadable software.

Engineering Service includes CAD, CAM, Custom Wire and cable, Design and Construction, Customized Products, Machine Modifications, Production Line and Equipment Maintenance, Repair Engineering, Reverse Engineering, and System integration.

Our current team is mainly located in the United States and China, and we have our engineers in India and Canada to provide nearby technical support. Most of the repair and engineering projects are completed in the US and/or China and then sent worldwide. If you would like to join our team please fill out your application here.

We are looking for partners in other countries or regions to build and serve markets in different countries or regions jointly. You are welcome to contact us to apply to become our regional franchise store.