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CODESYS DCF77 Decoder - Article no. 000063
CODESYS DCF77 Decoder - Article no. 000063

Price : $50.00

Availability: 1 Week
Order #: 000063

Description Ordering Information Specifications and Drawings

CODESYS DCF77 Decoder - Article no. 000063

Product description

The library contains a function block decoding a DCF77 time signal and releasing the transmitted
date and time as a DATE_AND_TIME value.

An example project shows the usage of the library with the control CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi SL.

More information

Library DCF77_Decoder
The DCF77_DECODER function block checks whether the transmitted time signal is inverted and then
waits for a mark signaling the beginning of a new time signal. The DCF77 time signal consists of 59 bits.
Since one bit is transmitted per second the function block outputs the first DATE_AND_TIME value after
two minutes at the longest. The DATE_AND_TIME value is updated every minute.

Example DCF77_Decoder_Example
The example project shows the usage of the library with the runtime system CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi SL
and a DCF receiver. The output of the DCF receiver is connected with a GPIO input of the Raspberry Pi.

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CODESYS DCF77 Decoder - Article no. 000063

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