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Digi-Pas:PC Sync PRO. Software for DWL5500XY Inclination Sensor2-05501-00
Digi-Pas:PC Sync PRO. Software for DWL5500XY Inclination Sensor2-05501-00
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Programmable relay control outputs,Smart 2D Bubble, Single-Axis Angle Graph, Dual-Axis Angle Graph, Vibrometer Graph.

Price : $320.85

Availability: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Business Days
Order #: 2-05501-00

Description Specifications and Drawings

Digi-Pas:PC Sync PRO. Software for DWL5500XY Inclination Sensor 2-05501-00

The PC Sync Software is a 'plug & play' interface (embedded with National Instrument software) instantly enables application engineers to remote access to multiple sensor modules via USB cable/ RS232/ RS485/ wireless Bluetooth connectivity for 2D leveling, tilt angle monitoring, alignment and vibration measurement.
User can effortlessly set parameters to sensor modules from remote distance for real-time monitoring, data acquisition and logging purposes. The control box can be attached to external peripheral devices that could thereafter independently operate to trigger relay contacts for activating output peripheral devices e.g. siren/alarm, strobe lights, solenoid valve, motor or other devices (after PC is detached from the Control Box).
No tedious and time-consuming programming codes are required, leaving engineers more productive time to focus on their core activities. The sensor modules & software offer a comprehensive solution to wide-ranging applications, such as operational safety and control for heavy-load vehicle, offshore platform tilt, heavy-lifting crane, precision machines, research & education.
Programmable relay control outputs
Dual-axis numeric and graphical digital Bull's Eye display of measurement readings
Real time measurement data display & user-friendly interface
Advanced features for remote measurement & data logging
Set parameters to capture data and set control output relays to trigger external devices
Software support and firmware updates

Professional Sync Software Introduction

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