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Encoder Element Optical TTL Encoder Optical 1Vpp Encoder
Absolute Encoder Inductive Encoder Magnetic Encoder
EtherCAT Encoder CANopen Encoder Interface Electronics
Diagnostic and Testing Equipment Connecting Elements and Cables Resolver
Tachometer Tool Measurement Laser Interferometer System
Special Environment Encoder Wire-Draw Encoders
Our feedback options include: Moog & Tamagawa Brushless Resolvers, Encoders, API & Zygo Laser Interferometers, LVDTs, and Tachometers. Brushless resolvers are economical, highly accurate and can be used for position feedback, speed sensing, and motor pole detection. Encoders are available as: Optical/Magnetic Linear Encoders, Optical Angle Encoders, and Optical/Magnetic Rotary Encoders.
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Renishaw RGS20-S TAPE SCALE, Model: A-9517-0004 Renishaw RGS20-T TAPE SCALE, Model: A-9517-0024 Renishaw RGS20-P TAPE SCALE, Model: A-9517-0045
Renishaw: RGM20SR Reference Mark for RGH20 on RESR "A" A-9559-0650 Renishaw: RGP22S Limit Switch Actuator Magnet A-9531-0251 Renishaw: FASTRACK separator kit  A-9589-0066
Renishaw: End cover kit  A-9589-0058 Guillotine kit (Scale/track cutting jig) A-9589-0071 Renishaw: Incremental linear encoder TONiCâ„¢ RGSZ20
Renishaw: Incremental linear encoder TONiC™ RGSZ20
List Price: $490.00
Price : $395.00
Savings: $95.00
Mitutoyo: Quill Kit with ABSOLUTE Encoder Mitutoyo: AT103 Linear Scales (539 Series) Mitutoyo: AT116 Linear Scales (539 Series)

Feedback Encoders for Motion Control

You can’t get accurate servo movement without precision measuring tools. E-Motion America has you covered with everything you need to measure motor pole position, position feedback and speed sensing. We carry Reinshaw measuring tools, Moog & Tamagawa brushless resolvers, Zygo interferometers and many more specialty tools from top brands. Looking for a Mitutoyo Linear Scale? We have them in a wide range of sizes to fit your equipment. Need to add encoding to check the position of your tooling? We have rotary, absolute, magnetic and optical encoders that let you track every motion of the parts you’re working on. We also have all the interface electronics, evaluation electronics and interface cables you need to build your feedback system.