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Heidenhain: Interface Electronics IBV 6072
Heidenhain: Interface Electronics IBV 6072
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Price : $1,074.00

Quantity in Stock:1

Availability: 1-2 business days
Order #: IBV6072


Description Ordering Information Specifications and Drawings

Heidenhain: Interpolation and Digitizing Electronics for Encoders with 1 Vpp signals IBV 6072

Interface electronics from HEIDENHAIN adapt the encoder signals to the interface of the subsequent electronics. They are used when the subsequent electronics cannot directly process the output signals from HEIDENHAIN encoders, or if additional interpolation of the signals is necessary.

HEIDENHAIN interface electronics are available in various mechanical designs.

Interpolation and Digitizing Electronics:

  • Input Signals: 1 VPP

  • Two Output Signals: 1 VPP and TTL

Model No.: 743019-11, 743019-12

IBV 6072 (ID: 743019-11)

Interpolation and digitizing electronics for
encoders with 1 Vpp signals
Input signal:           sinusoidal voltage signals
                        (1 Vpp)
Cutoff frequency (-3
dB):                    500.00 kHz
Electrical connection:  Flange socket M23, female,
Pin configuration:      D294999
Electrical connection 2:Flange socket M23, male,
Pin configuration 2:    D294999
Output signal:          Square-wave signals, TTL
                        levels with 2-fold
Reference pulse width:  270 °
Max. scanning frequency:500.00 kHz
Electrical connection 3:Flange socket M23, male,
Pin configuration 3:    D312730
Output signal 2:        Square-wave signals, TTL
                        levels with 2-fold
Reference pulse width 2:270 °
Scanning frequency 2:   500.00 kHz
Fault detection signal: for disturbance LOW
Power supply:           5 V (+-5 %)
Degree of protection:   IP65 (EN60529)
Operating temperature:  0/+70 °C
Special characteristics,
IBV/EXE/IDP:            none

IBV 6072 (ID: 743019-12)
Interpolation and digitizing electronics for
encoders with 1 Vpp signals
Input signal:           sinusoidal voltage signals
                        (1 Vpp)
Cutoff frequency (-3
dB):                    500.00 kHz
Electrical connection:  Flange socket M23, female,
Pin configuration:      D294999
Electrical connection 2:Flange socket M23, male,
Pin configuration 2:    D294999
Output signal:          sinusoidal voltage signals
                        (1 Vpp)
Reference mark:         analog
Electrical connection 3:Flange socket M23, male,
Pin configuration 3:    D312730
Output signal 2:        sinusoidal voltage signals
                        (1 Vpp)
Reference mark:         analog
Fault detection signal: no specified value
Power supply:           5 V (+-5 %)
Degree of protection:   IP65 (EN60529)
Operating temperature:  0/+70 °C
Special characteristics,
IBV/EXE/IDP:            none

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